Monday, August 29, 2011

One Happy Girl!

Sunday morning Molly woke up in a great mood!!  I was able to capture some of it. 
She also went to the doctor today, and she weighs 9 lbs 3 oz!!  She is growing so fast!  She gained almost a pound since last week.

Hey, Dad, you are pretty funny!

All dressed up

All that smiling knocked her out

Sorry for so many pictures.  I just couldn't decide which ones to put on here!

While John Tyler was having his newborn pictures made, we had our own little session.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Molly is already 5 weeks old!!

On Thursday, Molly was 5 weeks!!  I can't believe our little baby is already 5 weeks old!!!

On Monday, she weighed 7 lbs and 14 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long.  She finally has made it into her 0-3 months outfits.  She has smiled a few times and has made "different" noises a few times.  We aren't sure what the sounds are, so we just call it her "different" noise.  It's not a coo and she isn't whining.

On Friday, John Tyler Langley was born.  Congrats to Lauren and Tyler!!  He is beautiful!

Two proud Dads!

They will be best friends!!  I see a lot of fun times in our future!!

One night I left to go get supper and came home to this...Mom had set Molly up in this and Molly absolutely loved it!! She sat there for about an hour. 

All dressed up to go meet John Tyler!

The first time she has wore shoes.  She has over 20 pairs of shoes, but her feet are so little she can't wear any of them!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Newborn Pictures

When Molly was one-week-old, we had her newborn pictures made.  And I have to say, Molly was absolutely WONDERFUL during her pictures!!  She was awake when we needed her awake and sleeping when she needed to be sleeping!   And Molly peeing on her dad during the nude pictures was just like the cherry on top!!  Here are just a few of the pictures that Juddie made for us.  She made 500 pictures, so I don't know how I will ever decide on which ones to get!!

Miss Molly has arrived!!

Where do I begin because I am so far behind...

Well, we are official a family of 3!!  Miss Molly made her grand entrance 3 and 1/2 weeks early!!! 

July 14th, 2011 at 11:00 a.m.  6 lbs 6 oz 20 inches long  -- Blue eyes and she actually had hair!!!

The day before she was born, I had went into the labor and delivery department of the hospital to have some tests ran and while they were monitoring Molly and me, Molly's heartbeat dropped twice and so Dr. Thornbury decided to keep me overnight.  He said that he wanted to monitor her to see if she had the drops again, and if she had a couple more, he would have to do c-section.  Well, it happened two more times during the night, so that's what caused the c-section.  He couldn't explain why she was having those episodes, but maybe she was just squeezing the cord and that was causing the drops.  We are very blessed and thankful that she was born as healthy as she was.  

Molly coming this early was such a shock to us!!  I had worked in Decatur the day I decided to go into the hospital to have the tests ran.  The tests I went in to have performed came back fine, but had I not went into the hospital for that reason, we would have never known about her heartbeat dropping so low!  So that was a blessing!!
Now...after that, let's see if I can get caught up in chronological order from where I left off.

Every year the Biddles have a family gathering for the 4th of July and this year was extra special for us because they also threw us a baby shower! 

Thanks for a great baby shower!

Three days before Molly was born was Zac's birthday.  Zac has now declared his new birthday May 11th since he is afraid his birthday will be overlooked since Molly's birthday will be so close to his...and he's probably right!!

Zac's diaper bag!

And three days later...Molly was born!!

 A few of my favorite pictures...

For the ones that aren't on Facebook, please use this link to look at the rest of the photos.

We have been very blessed with our new addition!!  We love her so much and are very thankful for her!!  We love you, Molly!!!